About Us

Committed to excellence since 1960, Tighe Metal Spinners Pty Ltd is a family owned company. Now into its second generation operating out of their 1,600 square metre state of the art production facility based in Keysborough Victoria - off Eastlink Greens Road exit.

Tighe Metal Spinners Pty Ltd can offer you experience, capability, reliability and efficiency with advanced technology and old fashion service second to none.


Tighe Metal Spinners Pty Ltd delivers the highest levels of craftsmanship and technology available in the metal spinning industry.


Prompt attention is given to all enquires. We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers with performance proven parts, on time delivery and uncompromising quality and service…all of which verify our reputation for leading excellence.


Continuing to introduce innovative techniques produces the most cost-effective solutions to our customer's design and production needs.


Tighe Metal Spinners Pty Ltd use the latest in CNC technology to develop and produce the highest standard of products. All major components are consistently monitored to meet job specifications. Component processes are subject to a tested and certified quality standard. Along our path of continuous improvement and technology, we have a achieved Preferred Supplier Status from many of our customers.

Australia Wide Service and Delivery

Contact us for all your Metal Spinning requirements

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